Saturday, April 30, 2011

Take Doggie to Work Day

Yesterday Dan was able to bring Toshi to the office for the morning.  Miyagi used to go to work with Dan everyday, hopefully Toshi can do the same once he gets a little older. 

I was able to bring him over Thursday afternoon to see how he would play with Abby.
Since both doggies got along fine he was able to go back on Friday with Dan.
Do I get extra treats for helping with all this work......

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was a big day for Toshi.  This was the first day he was able to leave the house and meet his cousins Bosco and Hayley.  Toshi was super excited to meet other doggies, especially Bosco since she is a puppy just like him.  Bosco and Toshi played for hours in the backyard.  It was so much fun to watch the two of them have such a great time. 

After a long day of playing Toshi took a long nap with daddy on the couch.

We need to get these two together more often, Toshi was tired all night which gave mommy and daddy a nice little break from all his nighttime craziness.

All About Toshi

When Toshi first came home all he wanted to do was sleep and cuddle....

 Then he found all of Miyagi's old toys....

He loves spending time in the yard and trying to get his new collar off...

Our First Post!

Hi everyone!  Welcome to our first blog post.  I know I'm a bit behind in getting started with Toshi's blog but better late than never right.....I thought the best way to get started would be to post some pictures we have of Toshi so everyone is able to see how much he has grown and to update you on where he came from. 

Toshi was born in Lancaster, CA with Darryl who runs Kari-On Akitas and Shiba Inus.  Darryl was nice enough to let Toshi come home with us when he was 9 1/2 weeks old.  Toshi is  now 15 weeks and he has brought us nothing but joy and entertainment since we first brought him home.  I hope you enjoy some pictures of Toshi and come back soon for a look into the fun and eventful life of living with a Shiba Inu puppy!

How could you say no to that face....